Module details

M1107-CMS03  Literature Studies in Computational Modeling

Module Owner: N.N.
Displayed in timetable as: CMS-SEM
Duration: 2
Number of electives: 0
Credits: 5,0
Start Semester: SuSe 2022
Lecturer Responsible Prof. Dr. Björn Andres
Qualification Goals Students will be able to independently develop the contents of scientific publications from at least two different fields of Computational Modelling and Simulation and present them to third parties in a comprehensible manner, and critically analyse the acquired knowledge. They are able to critically analyse and communicate the application of computational modelling methods in two different Application Areas and to recognise cross-application approaches.
Content Analysis and discussion of scientific publications on a topic of the student's choice in the fields of Computational Life Science, Computational Mathematics, Visual Computing, Computational Modelling in Energy Economics, Computational Engineering and Logical Modeling.
Forms of Teaching and Learning The module includes 4 SWS worth of seminars and the self-study. The courses are to be selected from the CMS-SEM catalogue to the specified extent; this will be announced as usual at the Faculty of Computer Science, at the beginning of each semester, including the language of the course.
Prerequisites for Participation No previous specialist knowledge is required.
Applicability This module is a compulsory module, within the Master's of Computational Modelling and Simulation programme.
Prerequisites for the Assignment of Credit Points The credit points are awarded if the module examination is passed. The module examination consists of the examination performances specified in the CMS-SEM catalogue.
Credit Points and Grades 5 credit points can be earned by completing the module. The module score is the unweighted average of the grades earned in the individual graded pieces of work.
Frequency of Offer The module is offered every summer semester.
Workload The workload is a total of 150 hours.
Duration of Module The module takes one semester.
Module Number Module Handbook TU Dresden CMS-SEM

Registration periods

Phase Block Register from | to End cancellation
Ohne Auswahlverfahren Vorlesungszeit 04.04.2022 00:00 | 15.06.2022 00:00 13.07.2022 00:00


Number Name Semester  
DK1100-AQ002X Dummykurs 2 SWS  
DK1100-CMS17X Dummykurs 2 SWS  
DK1100-CMS18X Dummykurs 2 SWS  
DK1100-MA002X Dummykurs CMS 2 SWS  
DK1100-MA012X Dummykurs CMS 2 SWS  
DK1100-MA022X Dummykurs CMS 2 SWS  
DK1100-MA022X Dummykurs CMS 2 SWS SuSe 2022
DK1100-MA032X Dummykurs CMS 2 SWS  
DK1100-MA042X Dummykurs CMS 2 SWS  
K0100-EX468xS Computational Mathematics (S)  
K0100-EX468xS Computational Mathematics (S) SuSe 2022
K1001-14M054S Literaturanalyse zu aktuellen Fragestellungen der Energiewirtschaft (S) (2 SWS)  
K1001-EXM040S Case Studies in Energy Economics (S)  
K1001-EXM040S Case Studies in Energy Economics (S) SuSe 2022
K1101-MA0013S Seminar Theoretical Computer Science (S)  
K1101-MA0021S Seminar Selected Topics in Logic and Verification (S)  
K1101-MA0030S Seminar Data Aware Processes (S)  
K1102-ZIH001S Seminar Mathematical Biology (S)  
K1102-ZIH001S Seminar Mathematical Biology (S) SuSe 2022
K1104-AQ0005S Seminar Computer Graphics and Visualization (S)  
K1104-AQ0005S Seminar Computer Graphics and Visualization (S) SuSe 2022
K1104-MA0006S Seminar Research Frontiers in Immersive Media (S)  
K1104-MA0006S Seminar Immersive Media (S) SuSe 2022
K1104-MA0006S Seminar Immersive Media (S) WiSe 2022/23
K1104-MA0050S Seminar Immersive Modelling and Visualisation (S)  
K1104-MA0050S Seminar Immersive Modelling and Visualisation (S) SuSe 2022
K1107-CMS22S Seminar Software Methods and Technologies for Virtual Aircraft (S)  
K1107-MA0004S Seminar Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (S)  
K1107-MA0004S Seminar Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (S) SuSe 2022
K1107-MA0004S Seminar Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (S) WiSe 2022/23
K1107-MA0016S Computer Vision Seminar (S)  
K1107-MA0027S Logic-Based Knowledge Representation (S)  
K1107-MA0027S Logic-Based Knowledge Representation (S) SuSe 2022
K1107-MA0042S Computational Life Science Seminar (S)  
K1107-MA0042S Seminar Computational Life Science (S) SuSe 2022
K1107-MA0062S Machine Learning Seminar (S)  
K1301-EX3050S Seminar Computational Engineering (S)  
K1301-EX3050S Seminar Computational Engineering (S) SuSe 2022

Passing rules

Context Name Description
Global * For information on the module examination please see module description
Global * For information on the module examination please see module description
Global LB B
Global LG A
Global LG C
Global LG D
Global LG E


Course / Final module requirements Requirements Compulsory pass Weighting
DK1100-AQ002X Dummykurs AQUA 2 SWS Assessment No 1
DK1100-CMS17X Dummykurs 2 SWS Assessment No 1
Assessment No 1
DK1100-CMS18X Dummykurs CMS-SEM Assessment No 1
DK1100-MA002X Dummykurs CMS 2 SWS Assessment No 1
DK1100-MA012X Dummykurs CMS 2 SWS Assessment No 1
DK1100-MA022X Dummykurs CMS 2 SWS Assessment No 1
DK1100-MA032X Dummykurs CMS 2 SWS Assessment No 1
DK1100-MA042X Dummykurs CMS 2 SWS Assessment No 1
K0100-EX468xS Computational Mathematics (S) Presentation Computational Mathematics No 1
K1001-14M054S Literature Studies of topics of interest in Energy Economics Seminar Paper Literature Studies in Energy Economics No 1
Oral Presentation Literature Studies in Energy Economics No 0
(NP: 1)
K1001-EXM040S Case Studies in Energy Economics (S) Seminar Paper Case Studies in Energy Economics No 1
Oral Presentation Case Studies in Energy Economics No 1
K1101-MA0013S Seminar Theoretical Computer Science (S) Presentation Theoretical Computer Science No 1
Seminar Paper Theoretical Computer Science No 1
K1101-MA0021S Seminar Selected Topics in Logic and Verification (S) Presentation Selected Topics in Logic and Verification No 1
Seminar Paper Selected Topics in Logic and Verification No 1
K1101-MA0030S Seminar Data-Aware Processes (S) Presentation Data-Aware Processes No 1
Seminar Paper Data-Aware Processes No 1
K1102-ZIH001S Seminar Mathematical Biology (S) Oral Presentation Mathematical Biology No 1
K1104-AQ0005S Seminar Computer Graphics and Visualization (S) Presentation Computer Graphics and Visualization No 1
Seminar Paper Computer Graphics and Visualization No 1
K1104-MA0006S Main Seminar Immersive Media (S) Seminar Paper Immersive Media No 1
K1104-MA0050S Seminar Immersive Modelling and Visualisation (S) Seminar Paper Immersive Modelling and Visualisation No 1
K1107-CMS22S Seminar Software Methods and Technologies for Virtual Aircraft (S) Assessment Computational Neuroscience and Neural Engineering No 1
K1107-MA0004S Seminar Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (S) Presentation Knowledge Representation and Reasoning No 1
K1107-MA0016S Computer Vision Seminar (S) Oral Presentation Seminar Computer Vision No 1
K1107-MA0027S Logic-Based Knowledge Representation (S) Presentation Logic-Based Knowledge Representation No 1
Seminar Paper Logic-Based Knowledge Representation No 1
K1107-MA0042S Computational Life Science Seminar (S) Oral Presentation Computational Life Science No 1
K1107-MA0062S Machine Learning Seminar (S) Oral Presentation Seminar Machine Learning No 1
K1301-EX3050S Seminar Computational Engineering (S) Presentation Computational Engineering No 1



For this final module requirement, several combinations of requirements do exist. The passing rules (see above) specify, whether you have to complete one or several requirement combinations.