Module details

M1100-CMS36  Computational Mathematics Applications

Module Owner: N.N.
Displayed in timetable as: CMS-CMA-ELV2
Duration: 2
Number of electives: 0
Credits: 10,0
Start Semester: SuSe 2022
Lecturer Responsible Prof. Dr. Axel Voigt
Qualification Goals The students are able to transfer their acquired competencies of computational modelling and simulation in mathematics to the application domain. They are able to study complex models using self-implemented simulation methods and to model mathematical correlations independently and to test and validate the models. In particular, the students are able to grasp a complex mathematical problem independently in models and to explore it in communication with experts of the application domain computer supported.
Content The contents of the module are in-depth questions from the mathematical field Computational Mathematics application domain.
Forms of Teaching and Learning The module includes lectures, exercises, seminars, tutorials, internships and project work in the amount of 8 SWS and self-study. The courses are to be selected from the CMS-CMA-ELV2 catalog to the specified extent; this will be announced as usual at the Faculty of Computer Science, at the beginning of each semester, in writing, including the language of the course, the necessary examinations and the weighting of the grades.
Prerequisites for Participation The competencies to be acquired in the CMS-CMA-FEM module are assumed.
Applicability The module is a compulsory module for students of the track computational mathematics in the Master's Program Computational Modelling and Simulation.
Prerequisites for the Assignment of Credit Points The credit points are awarded if the module examination is passed. The module examination consists of the examinations specified in the CMS-CMA-ELV2 catalogue.
Credit Points and Grades The module allows one to earn 10 credit points. The module grade is the average of the grades of examinations weighted according to the catalogue CMS-CMA-ELV2.
Frequency of Offer The module is offered each academic year, starting in the summer semester.
Workload The workload is a total of 300 hours.
Duration of Module The module takes two semesters to complete.
Module Number Module Handbook TU Dresden CMS-CMA-ELV2

Registration periods

Phase Block Register from | to End cancellation
Ohne Auswahlverfahren Vorlesungszeit 04.04.2022 00:00 | 15.11.2022 00:00 13.07.2022 00:00


Number Name Semester  
DK1100-CMS21X Dummykurs CMS 4 SWS  
DK1100-MA001X Dummykurs CMS 1 SWS  
DK1100-MA002X Dummykurs CMS 2 SWS  
DK1100-MA003X Dummykurs CMS 3 SWS  
DK1100-MA004X Dummykurs CMS 4 SWS  
DK1100-MA004X Dummykurs CMS 4 SWS SuSe 2022
DK1100-MA004X Dummykurs CMS 4 SWS WiSe 2022/23
DK1100-MA014X Dummykurs CMS 4 SWS  
DK1100-MA016X Dummykurs 6 SWS  
DK1100-MA018X Dummykurs CMS 8 SWS  
DK1100-MA024X Dummykurs 4 SWS  
DK1100-MA034X Dummykurs 4 SWS  
DK1100-MA044X Dummykurs 4 SWS  
K0108-40140bS Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten (S)  
K0108-40140bV Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten (V)  
K0108-40140bV Scientific Working (L) WiSe 2022/23
K0108-40545xV Numerik mit partiellen Differentialgleichungen - weiterführende Konzepte (V)  
K0108-40545xV Numerical Mathematics of Partial Differential Equations - Further Concepts (L) SuSe 2022
K0108-40545xÜ Numerik mit partiellen Differentialgleichungen - weiterführende Konzepte (Ü)  
K0108-40545xÜ Numerical Mathematics of Partial Differential Equations - Further Concepts (E) SuSe 2022
K0108-40642xV Wissenschaftliches Rechnen - Fortgeschrittene Aspekte (V)  
K0108-40642xV Scientific Arithmetic - Advanced Aspects (L) SuSe 2022
K0108-40642xÜ Wissenschaftliches Rechnen - Fortgeschrittene Aspekte (Ü)  
K0108-40643xV Scientific Programming - Fortgeschrittene Aspekte (V)  
K0108-40643xV Scientific Programming - Advanced Aspects (L) SuSe 2022
K0108-40643xV Scientific Programming - Advanced Aspects (L) WiSe 2022/23
K0108-40643xÜ Scientific Programming - Fortgeschrittene Aspekte (Ü)  
K0108-40643xÜ Scientific Programming - Advanced Aspects (E) WiSe 2022/23
K1100-CMS11X Teamproject XYZ (X)  
K1102-ZIH001S Seminar Mathematical Biology (S)  
K1102-ZIH001S Seminar Mathematical Biology (S) SuSe 2022
K1102-ZIH001V Introduction to Mathematical Biology 1 (V)  
K1102-ZIH001V Introduction to Mathematical Biology 1 (L) WiSe 2022/23
K1102-ZIH001Ü Introduction to Mathematical Biology 1 (Ü)  
K1102-ZIH001Ü Introduction to Mathematical Biology 1 (E) WiSe 2022/23
K1102-ZIH002V Introduction to Mathematical Biology 2 (V)  
K1102-ZIH002Ü Introduction to Mathematical Biology 2 (Ü)  
K1102-ZIH03V Digitization and Data Analytics: Architectures, Methods, and Consequences (L)  
K1102-ZIH03V Digitization and Data Analytics: Architectures, Methods and Consequences (L) SuSe 2022
K1102-ZIH03Ü Digitization and Data Analytics: Architectures, Methods, and Consequences (E)  
K1102-ZIH03Ü Digitization and Data Analytics: Architectures, Methods and Consequences (E) SuSe 2022
K1104-MA0032V Scientific Visualization (V)  
K1104-MA0032Ü Scientific Visualization (Ü)  
K1106-MA0023V Scalable Data Engineering (L)  
K1106-MA0023Ü Scalable Data Engineering (E)  
K1106-MA0023Ü Scalable Data Engineering (E) WiSe 2022/23
K1107-MA0006V Particle Methods (V)  
K1107-MA0006V Particle Methods (L) SuSe 2022
K1107-MA0006Ü Particle Methods (Ü)  
K1107-MA0006Ü Particle Methods (E) SuSe 2022
K1112-5NB23bV Biological Hydrodynamics (V)  
K1112-5NB23bÜ Biological Hydrodynamics (Ü)  
K1302-EX3040V Computational Fluid Dynamics (L)  
K1302-EX3040V Computational Fluid Dynamics (L) WiSe 2022/23
K1302-EX3040Ü Computational Fluid Dynamics (E)  
K1302-EX3040Ü Computational Fluid Dynamics (E) WiSe 2022/23
K1314-2H0440P Nanostructured Materials (P)  
K1314-2H0440P Nanostructured Materials (P) SuSe 2022
K1314-2H0440V Nanostructured Materials (L)  
K1314-2H0440Ü Nanostructured Materials (E)  
K1314-2H0440Ü Nanostructured Materials 1 (E) SuSe 2022
K1314-EX0201V Molecular Electronics (V)  
K1314-EX0201V Molecular Electronics (L) WiSe 2022/23
K1314-EX0201Ü Molecular Electronics (Ü)  
K1314-EX0201Ü Molecular Electronics (E) WiSe 2022/23
K3201-P1oL7bV Active Matter Hydrodynamics (L)  
K3201-P1oL7bV Active Matter Hydrodynamics (V) WiSe 2022/23
K3201-P1oL7bÜ Active Matter Hydrodynamics (E)  
K3201-P1oL7bÜ Active Matter Hydrodynamics (Ü) WiSe 2022/23
K9603-11073V Computational Cell Biology (V)  
K9603-11073V Computational Cell Biology (V) WiSe 2022/23
K9603-11073Ü Computational Cell Biology (Ü)  
K9603-11073Ü Computational Cell Biology (Ü) WiSe 2022/23

Passing rules

Context Name Description
Global * For information on the module examination please see module description
Global * For information on the module examination please see module description


Course / Final module requirements Requirements Compulsory pass Weighting
DK1100-CMS21X Dummykurs CMS 4 SWS Assessment No 4
DK1100-MA001X Dummykurs CMS 1 SWS Assessment No 1
DK1100-MA002X Dummykurs CMS 2 SWS Assessment No 2
DK1100-MA003X Dummykurs CMS 3 SWS Assessment No 3
DK1100-MA004X Dummykurs CMS 4 SWS Assessment No 4
DK1100-MA014X Dummykurs CMS 4 SWS Assessment No 4
DK1100-MA016X Dummykurs 6 SWS Assessment No 6
DK1100-MA018X Dummykurs 8 SWS Assessment No 8
DK1100-MA024X Dummykurs 4 SWS Assessment No 4
DK1100-MA034X Dummykurs 4 SWS Assessment No 4
DK1100-MA044X Dummykurs 4 SWS Assessment No 4
K0108-40140bV Scientific Working (L) Presentation Advanced Concepts of object-oriented Programming Languages Yes 0
K0108-40545xV Numerical Mathematics of Partial Differential Equations - Further Concepts (L) Oral Assessment Numerics of Partial Differential Equations II No 4
K0108-40642xV Scientific Arithmetic - Advanced Aspects (L) Oral Assessment Scientific Arithmetic - Advanced Aspects No 4
K0108-40643xV Scientific Programming - Advanced Aspects (L) Oral Assessment Scientific Programming - Advanced Aspects No 4
K1100-CMS11X Teamproject XYZ (X) Project Report Teamproject No 4
Oral Presentation Teamproject No 4
K1102-ZIH001S Seminar Mathematical Biology (S) Oral Presentation Mathematical Biology No 2
K1102-ZIH001V Introduction to Mathematical Biology 1 (L) Oral Assessment Introduction to Mathematical Biology 1 No 3
K1102-ZIH002V Introduction to Mathematical Biology 2 (L) Oral Assessment Introduction to Mathematical Biology 2 No 3
K1102-ZIH03V Digitization and Data Analytics: Architectures, Methods and Consequences (L) Written Examination/Oral Assessment Digitization and Data Analytics No 4
K1104-MA0032V Scientific Visualization (L) Written Examination/Oral Assessment Scientific Visualization No 4
K1106-MA0023V Scalable Data Engineering (L) Written Examination/Oral Assessment Scalable Data Engineering No 4
K1107-MA0006V Particle Methods (L) Written Examination/Oral Assessment Particle Methods No 4
K1112-5NB23bV Biological Hydrodynamics (L) Oral Assessment Biological Hydrodynamics No 4
K1302-EX3040V Computational Fluid Dynamics (L) Written Examination/Oral Assessment Computational Fluid Dynamics No 4
K1314-2H0440V Nanostructured Materials (L) Written Examination/Oral Assessment Nanostructured Materials 1 No 3
Laboratory Protocol Nanostructured Materials 1 No 3
K1314-EX0201V Molecular Electronics (L) Written Examination/Oral Assessment Molecular Electronics No 4
K3201-P1oL7bV Active Matter Hydrodynamics (V) Oral Assessment Active Matter Hydrodynamics No 4
K9603-11073V Computational Cell Biology (V) Oral Presentation Computational Cell Biology No 4



For this final module requirement, several combinations of requirements do exist. The passing rules (see above) specify, whether you have to complete one or several requirement combinations.