Course Details

K1505-A53801S Emphasis: Building Theory (S)

Instructors: Dr.-Ing. Xiaoping Xie
Event type: Advanced Seminar
Org-unit: Faculty of Architecture
Hours per week: 2
Language of instruction: German
Alternativtitel: Intelligent networked work and production
Professur: Wissensarchitektur – Laboratory of Knowledge Architecture
Inhalte: Within the module, a theoretical question on the topic of "Intelligently networked work and production" is to be dealt with in greater depth. The students have expanded their knowledge of the theories and methods in the field of industrial and production buildings. They are able to view, analyse and reflect on the complex system of intelligently networked work and production and the underlying programmatic conditions of global and regional production networks as well as local production sites with a holistic view. This includes the identification of specific questions, the research of different source material, interdisciplinary analyses of different aspects, the critical reflection of the status quo and the design of a change scenario towards sustainable development, as well as the scientific compilation of the overall working process in oral and written form.
Leistungsnachweise: Credit points are awarded if the module examination is passed. Examination papers are a seminar paper with a total of 180 hours of work and a presentation of 20 minutes duration.
Arbeitsaufwand: Through the module 8 credit points can be acquired.
The module grade is formed as follows from the assessment of the examination performance:
- 67% from the evaluation of the seminar paper
- 33% from the evaluation of the presentation unit 



Date From To Room Instructors
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* For this course, several combinations of requirements do exist. Whether you have to complete one or several requirement combinations is specified by passing rules. The passing rules are shown in the module details.

Class session overview

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  • Dr.-Ing. Xiaoping Xie