Course Details

K1507-LM2441S Realisation of Landscape Construction (S)

Instructors: Prof. Irene Lohaus; Sören Meyer
Event type: Seminar
Org-unit: Faculty of Architecture
Hours per week: 2
Language of instruction: German
Alternativtitel: Free Zones for the TU Dresden Campus!
Professur: Chair of  Landscape Engineering
Gastreferent: None
Terminhinweise: The first meeting will take place on 15 May 2020.
The regular date is Wednesday, 11:10 - 12:40. The seminar usually takes place at HÜL/O463. In the summer semester 2020 the seminar series will start as a digital course on OPAL.
Please note the schedule of the Chair of Landscape Engineering, available in OPAL in the course 'Landschaftsbau' under 'Modul LM244'.
Inhalte: The Master Plan Campus Design embodies the idea of establishing "Freezones" (the "speakers' corners" of this century) at strategic points on the campus in order to activate the most diverse users and actors of the TU Dresden and at the same time initiate an improved interaction between the city of Dresden and the campus. By means of a specific TU Dresden Freezone design to be developed, the Freezones should be significantly perceptible on the campus and be equipped with an infrastructure of electricity, water, sewage and internet access. These locations can be freely booked and played not only by members of the TU Dresden, but also by external parties. They can be used for temporary artistic or scientific interventions (exhibitions, events, open-air slams) or for sporting activities (yoga or parcour event) as well as for innovative gastronomic ideas (food trucks, ice bar, night bar). The flexible use can contribute to an activation of the campus during the day and in the evening hours and activate the open spaces as usable "space".
In the LM 244 , ideas developed in 4th semester design exercises supervised by the Chair of Landscape Architecture are to be tested for their feasibility and finally translated into plans ready to be built. The exercises of the 4th semester will be available from mid-May. The module therefore starts on 15 May!
Zielgruppen: Students of the master's degree course in landscape architecture.
Voraussetzungen: None
OPAL-Kurs: Title: Modul LM244
Gebühren: None
Planungshinweise: None



Date From To Room Instructors
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Class session overview

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  • Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Irene Lohaus
  • Dipl.-Ing. Sören Meyer