Course Details

K1507-LB1102Ü Vocabulary of Landscape Construction Design B (P)

Instructors: Prof. Irene Lohaus; Sören Meyer
Event type: Exercise
Org-unit: Faculty of Architecture
Hours per week: 2
Language of instruction: German
Professur: Chair of  Landscape Engineering
Gastreferent: none
Terminhinweise: The first meeting will take place on 9 April 2020.
The regular date is Thursday, 14:50 - 18:10. The exercise usually takes place at BZW/A253. In the summer semester 2020 the exercise series will start as a digital course on OPAL.
Please note the schedule of the Chair of Landscape Engineering, available in OPAL in the course 'Landschaftsbau' under 'Modul LB110'.
Zielgruppen: Students of the Landscape Architecture Bachelor's programme, scheduled for 1st and 2nd semester
Voraussetzungen: none
Arbeitsmittel: Explanation of the lecture or exercise. Tasks and corresponding task sheets.
OPAL-Kurs: Title: Modul LB110 - Vokabular des Landschaftsbaus
Gebühren: none
Planungshinweise: None



Date From To Room Instructors
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Class session overview

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  • Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Irene Lohaus
  • Dipl.-Ing. Sören Meyer