Course Details

K1507-LM1209X Specialization Modul Landscape Construction Design (I)

Instructors: Prof. Irene Lohaus; Sören Meyer
Event type: Mentoring
Org-unit: Faculty of Architecture
Hours per week: 1
Language of instruction: German
Alternativtitel: Open space design for the CUBE building of the TU Dresden
Professur: Chair of  Landscape Engineering
Gastreferent: None
Terminhinweise: The first meeting will take place on 9 April 2020.
The regular date is Thursday, 9:20 - 10:50. The consultations usually take place at HÜL/O463. In the summer semester 2020 the series of events will start as a digital course via OPAL.
Please note the schedule of the Chair of Landscape Engineering, available in OPAL in the course 'Landschaftsbau' under 'Modul LM120'.
Inhalte: The CUBE project is the lighthouse project of the C³ - Carbon Concrete Composite project financed by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung and will present the results of the entire C³ project visibly and with publicity in the form of a usable carbon concrete building near the Fritz-Förster-Platz in Dresden. The worldwide first building made of carbon concrete with a planned gross floor area of approx. 220 m² will be an experimental building and at the same time a test stand. It will be used to research the long-term suitability of carbon concrete from a structural, static and building physics point of view.
The work is to develop an individual design solution for the outdoor facilities for this innovative building and the special use of materials, taking into account the special use and presentation character of the building as well as the study, working and living environment of the site. Based on an analysis and the examination of the material carbon concrete, as well as the requirements of the contained use, a sustainable overall concept is to be developed. This should result in a design and implementation planning. Central questions could be, if and how the material carbon concrete can be used in outdoor areas. The work should take into account the requirements for the area and the future users and show the possible structural implementation in detail.
Zielgruppen: Students of the master's degree course in landscape architecture.
Voraussetzungen: None
OPAL-Kurs: Title: Modul LM120
Gebühren: None
Planungshinweise: None



Date From To Room Instructors
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Class session overview

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  • Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Irene Lohaus
  • Dipl.-Ing. Sören Meyer