
K9603-11073V Computational Cell Biology (V)

Lehrende: PD Dr. Ingmar Glauche
Veranstaltungsart: Vorlesung
Orga-Einheit: Medizinische Fakultät Carl Gustav Carus
Semesterwochenstunden: 2
Unterrichtssprache: Englisch
Terminhinweise: Lecture and practical seminar will take place each Friday. We have two double periods: 09.20 - 10.50 am and 11.10 am - 12.40 pm. Given the internal structure of the course, we might not need the whole time.

Location: seminar room 3 (3. floor) CRTD

The course would definetely benefit from meeting in person. But I will also check out online possibilities.
Inhalte: We will cover the following topics, focussing in applications in cell biology
* non-linear dynamics
* genetic regulation and switches
* stochastic processes
* oszillators

Besides the lecture part, the course involves quite a bit of reading and problem solving. I will also put a focus on training the presentation of scientific results.
Arbeitsaufwand: About 10 hours per week.



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  • Prof. Dr. Ingmar Glauche