
K1500-A51104K Stegreifentwerfen Sozial- und Gesundheitsbauten - Temporary Architecture: Rethinking public spaces

Lehrende: Master of Science Maja Kevdzija; Prof. Gesine Marquardt
Veranstaltungsart: Entwurfskurs
Orga-Einheit: Architektur
Semesterwochenstunden: 1
Unterrichtssprache: Deutsch/Englisch
Rethinking public spaces

Professur: Sozial- und Gesundheitsbauten
Sekretariat: BZW/B114
Terminhinweise: The dates will be announced at the end of September.
Inhalte: Contrary to permanent architectural structures, “temporary architecture” relies on the use of various lightweight materials and structures that are easy to put together and take apart. They represent memorable visual images but illustrate a new kind of urbanism in the meanwhile - participatory tactical urbanism. During a couple of days or weeks, these structures can have a strong impact on the urban space they are a part of, enabling new experiences and activities, engaging all kinds of different populations to interact with each other and with the architecture itself. As short-lived structures, they often arouse people’s curiosity and attract a large number of users. They allow the people to stop for a moment, interact with other passers-by or with the architecture itself.

With different time durations of the temporary architectural installations, their scales and complexities can vary dramatically. After having a great idea to create a situation, materials and structures will become decisive to convey the design concept.

In the PRO-STEG of this semester, the relationship between experience, materials and installations will be investigated through designing three pieces of “temporary architecture” in three open public spaces in the city of Dresden.

This course will deal with the exploration of the potential of temporary architectural structures to support or alter the ways public spaces are used and create new spatial relationships in open public spaces. The notion of collectivity in the context of public space use will be examined with the understanding that the open public space is still public, but its use is now individual. The challenge will be to find possibilities to create a space of interaction and social contact while achieving defined distances that represent the new norm of life.
Leistungsnachweise: Die Lehrveranstaltung umfasst 3 Stegreifentwürfe, die nach eigener Organisation alle oder einzeln absolviert werden können.



Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Di, 3. Nov. 2020 16:00 19:00 Stegreif 1 - Treffpunkt nach Ankündigung per E-Mail Master of Science Maja Kevdzija; Prof. Gesine Marquardt
2 Di, 24. Nov. 2020 16:00 19:00 Stegreif 2 - Treffpunkt nach Ankündigung per E-Mail Master of Science Maja Kevdzija; Prof. Gesine Marquardt
3 Di, 15. Dez. 2020 16:00 19:00 Stegreif 3 - Treffpunkt nach Ankündigung per E-Mail Master of Science Maja Kevdzija; Prof. Gesine Marquardt


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Übersicht der Kurstermine

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3

  • Master of Science Maja Kevdzija
  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gesine Marquardt