
K1501-A36103S G+T Architektur + Gesellschaft - Contemporary Women Architects: Theories, Practices, Positions (S)

Lehrende: Prof.Dr. Mary Pepchinski
Veranstaltungsart: Seminar
Orga-Einheit: Architektur
Semesterwochenstunden: 2
Unterrichtssprache: Englisch
Alternativtitel: Contemporary Women Architects: Theories, Practices, Positions
Professur: für Architektur und Gesellschaft
Terminhinweise: START: 14.04.2020    l    14:50 Uhr    l    BZW B 505

jeweils montags, 6. DS, 16:40 - 18:10 Uhr UND dienstags, 5.DS
BZW/B 505
in der ersten Semesterhälfte
Inhalte: Throughout the world, women now comprise the majority of architecture students. However, compared to men, women continue to leave the profession of architecture in greater numbers. This decision is often prompted by an array of issues, such as inadequate pay; the difficulty in creating an acceptable work-life balance; and the difficulty, on the part of some, to accept female authority.

To reflect upon this situation, this seminar will introduce students to diverse theoretical issues related to gender and architecture. Using the recently published volume, Breaking Ground by the English architect Jane Hall of ASSEMBLE, students will become introduced to over 100 women architects who are currently working around the world. Their buildings, practices and positions will be investigated to consider issues such as authorship; representation; and architectural practice in different cultural contexts. The goal of this seminar will be to understand both the opportunities available to women architects and also the challenges that confront them today.

Text, presentations and discussions will be in English. Students can submit find written
reports in German or English.
Leistungsnachweise: zu belegen als
G+T_AKA / G+T_WA1  = je 4 LP
oder             G+T_VM  = 8 LP
Arbeitsaufwand: workload 120 h im Modul G+T_AKA und G+T_WA1

workload 240 h im Modul G+T_VM



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Übersicht der Kurstermine

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  • Prof.Dr. Mary Pepchinski