List of Lectures

Module / Course offering
Module Owner / Instructors
Time period
Event type Start semester
M0300-M4QIx Quantum Theory - Basic Concepts
SoSe 2018
K0202-B2TP4xÜ Quantentheorie 1 (Ü)
K0201-01TQ1aÜ Quantentheorie 1 (Ü)
Prof.Dr.phil.nat. Roland Ketzmerick
Tue, 2. Apr. 2019 [14:50] - Tue, 9. Jul. 2019 [16:20]
M0300-M4SP4 Advanced Professional English Course
WiSe 2018/19
K3010-EN7050K English C1 - Oral Communication in the Modern World
K3010-EN7050K English: Oral Communication in Business
Michael Müller
Language Course
K3010-EN7051K Englisch: Regional Studies (C1)
K3010-EN7051K English: Regional Studies
Michael Müller
Language Course
K3010-EN7052K Englisch C1 - Intercultural Communication
K3010-EN7052K English: Intercultural Communication
Michael Müller
Language Course
K3010-EN7056K Englisch C1/C2 - Project Development and Administration
K3010-EN7056K English: Project Development and Administration
Michael Müller
Language Course
K3010-EN7057K Englisch C1 - Advanced Professional Writing
K3010-EN7057K English: Advanced Professional Writing I
Michael Müller
Language Course
K3010-EN7059K Englisch C1+ - Public Speaking, Debating, and Ethics
K3010-EN7059K English: A Course in Rhetoric - Ethics in the Global World
Michael Müller
Language Course
K3010-EN7060K Englisch C1 - Getting the Job: Applications and Interviewing
K3010-EN7060K English: Career Start
Michael Müller
Language Course
K3010-EN7062K Englisch C1+ - Academic Writing
K3010-EN7062K English: Academic Writing
Michael Müller
Language Course
K3010-EN7063K Englisch C1+ - International Negotiations
K3010-EN7063K English: International Negotiations
Michael Müller
Language Course
M0300-M4SP4 Advanced Professional English Course
SoSe 2019
K3010-EN7050K English C1 - Oral Communication in the Modern World
K3010-EN7050K English: Oral Communication in Business
Michael Müller
Language Course
K3010-EN7051K Englisch: Regional Studies (C1)
K3010-EN7051K English: Regional Studies
Michael Müller
Language Course
K3010-EN7052K Englisch C1 - Intercultural Communication
K3010-EN7052K English: Intercultural Communication
Michael Müller
Language Course
K3010-EN7056K Englisch C1/C2 - Project Development and Administration
K3010-EN7056K English: Project Development and Administration
Michael Müller
Language Course
K3010-EN7057K Englisch C1 - Advanced Professional Writing
K3010-EN7057K English: Advanced Professional Writing I
Michael Müller
Language Course
K3010-EN7059K Englisch C1+ - Public Speaking, Debating, and Ethics
K3010-EN7059K English: A Course in Rhetoric - Ethics in the Global World
Michael Müller
Language Course
K3010-EN7060K Englisch C1 - Getting the Job: Applications and Interviewing
K3010-EN7060K English: Career Start
Michael Müller
Language Course
K3010-EN7062K Englisch C1+ - Academic Writing
K3010-EN7062K English: Academic Writing
Michael Müller
Language Course
K3010-EN7063K Englisch C1+ - International Negotiations
K3010-EN7063K English: International Negotiations
Michael Müller
Language Course
M0300-M4SP2 Introduction to Professional and Academic Language: Oral Communcation
SoSe 2019
K3010-EN9131K Englisch (Naturwissenschaften): Einführung in die Berufs- und Wissenschaftssprache 2 - Mündliche Kommunikation in Hochschule und Beruf
K3010-EN9131K English: Introduction to Professional and Academic Language - Oral Communcation
Language Course
M0300-M4QIx Quantum Theory - Basic Concepts
SoSe 2019
K0202-B2TP4xV Quantentheorie 1 (V)
K0201-01TQ1xV Quantentheorie 1 (V)
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Carsten Timm
Th, 4. Apr. 2019 [13:00] - Th, 11. Jul. 2019 [14:30]
K0202-B2TP4xÜ Quantentheorie 1 (Ü)
K0201-01TQ1aÜ Quantentheorie 1 (Ü)
Prof.Dr.phil.nat. Roland Ketzmerick
Tue, 2. Apr. 2019 [14:50] - Tue, 9. Jul. 2019 [16:20]
M0300-M4ATM Nuclear and Molecular Physics
SoSe 2019
K0201-B2EP4xV Atom- und Molekülphysik (V)
K0206-01EAMaV Atom- und Molekülphysik für Physiker (V)
Prof. Dr. phil. Lukas Eng
Tue, 2. Apr. 2019 [09:20] - Wed, 10. Jul. 2019 [10:50]
K0201-B2EP4xÜ Atom- und Molekülphysik (Ü)
K0206-01EAMaÜ Atom- und Molekülphysik für Physiker (Ü)
Dr.rer.nat. Hartmut Fröb
Tue, 2. Apr. 2019 [14:50] - Tue, 9. Jul. 2019 [16:20]
M0300-M4MNU Marketing and Sustainability Management
SoSe 2019
K1001-02B010V Nachhaltige Unternehmensführung (V) (1 SWS)
K1001-02B010V Sustainability Management (V)
Edeltraud Günther
Fri, 5. Apr. 2019 [09:20] - Fri, 12. Jul. 2019 [10:50]
K1001-04B060V Marketing Grundlagen (V) (2 SWS)
K1001-04B060T Marketing Grundlagen (T)
Wed, 3. Apr. 2019 [09:20] - Wed, 10. Jul. 2019 [10:50]
K1001-04B060V Marketing Grundlagen (V)
Prof.Dr.rer.pol. Florian Siems
Fri, 5. Apr. 2019 [09:20] - Fri, 12. Jul. 2019 [10:50]
M0300-M4QII Quantum Theory - Further Concepts
SoSe 2019
K0202-B2TP6xV Quantentheorie 2 (V)
K0208-01TQ2xV Quantentheorie 2 (V)
Prof.Dr. Jan Budich
Wed, 3. Apr. 2019 [13:00] - Th, 11. Jul. 2019 [12:40]
K0202-B2TP6xÜ Quantentheorie 2 (Ü)
K0208-01TQ2aÜ Quantentheorie 2 (Ü)
Prof.Dr.phil.nat. Roland Ketzmerick
Tue, 2. Apr. 2019 [09:20] - Tue, 9. Jul. 2019 [10:50]